Ann Rill

Ann Rill

Academic Dean at Veritas Baptist College

Ann is the academic dean at Veritas Baptist College. She completed her undergraduate work and graduate degree at Pensacola Christian College. She taught at the K–12 level for over 15 years at State Line Christian School in Temperance, MI, and at Faith Baptist School in Fredericksburg, VA. She currently substitutes at Answers Academy as needed. Ann taught as a college adjunct for five years before taking a full-time position at Veritas where she has served in various roles since 2003: library director, general education department chair, director of institutional effectiveness, and most recently, the academic dean. Her passion lies in mentoring the next generation for service in the classroom and encouraging educators who are currently serving in Christian schools around the world. In the past 19 years, she has presented scores of workshops to Christian educators in 28 states at educator conventions and has provided in-service training in multiple Christian schools.


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